Questions and answers

 In fantasy sports, your decisions determine victory!

What to do if the other player doesn’t accept your trade?

Try to offer an improved version of the deal, taking into account the other player’s preferences and interests.

What is a “quiet period” in fantasy hockey?

It is a period when changes in the roster or statistics slow down or do not occur at all.

Is it possible to trade players with other participants in the league?

Yes, trading players between participants is a standard practice to improve the roster of teams.

What events can add extra points in fantasy hockey?

Accomplishments such as hat tricks, shutouts, and other great results can earn extra points.

What is a “free agent” in fantasy hockey?

A free agent is a player who is not under contract with a team and is available for acquisition.

How to deal with the competition in fantasy hockey?

Study the rosters of competitors, analyze their picks and be ready to quickly react to changes.

What is the “playoff” in fantasy hockey?

The playoffs are the stage of the tournament where the best teams compete for the main title.

What factors are important when choosing a player for fantasy hockey?

When choosing a player, you should consider his current form, role in the team, number of upcoming matches and health.

Can you make money playing fantasy hockey?

Yes, some leagues offer cash prizes for winning, but you need to participate in paid tournaments to do so.

How to win in fantasy hockey?

To win, you need to closely monitor the statistics, regularly change the lineup and make informed decisions.

Disclaimer 18+ 

Fantasy sports opens up a fascinating world for hockey fans to enjoy while staying at home. This format is perfect even for those just starting out: all you need is a smartphone. Tournaments are held around the clock, so you can choose a convenient time to participate. All rights reserved Hockrodg,, +48 71 772 5000, Swidnicka 40, 50-024 Wrocław, Poland